To my 4 regular readers, if you are not yet aware, welcome to Blog Challenge 2014 with my ladies for life, Stephanie, and Sarah. Together, we set out on a journey to complete a blog challenge that no person has ever quite done before. Each Monday, we use a random number generator to select two topics from a pre-determined list. In the week that follows, we must produce a blog post on either topic (or sometimes, when appropriate, both).
This all being said, last Monday, we were very fatefully (and comically) awarded the topics "Learn Something New" and "Female Viagra". If you are in the category with approximately 94% of America, you would also be "learning something new" whilst learning about female viagra. So, dear readers, what to do?
Let's dive right in.
While there are about 24 medications for male sexual issues, there are a big fat ZERO approved for women. The long, American road for this little pill with big promises has included various trial and error approaches. Some initial stabs at female sexual arousal medications have focused on things like:
- increasing blood-flow to female genitals (aka, the schmaschmina - a word people are still afraid to say..)
- hormones, including but not limited to testosterone (yuck, doesn't that make people grow fur?)
- via brain chemistry, boosting dopamine levels
The FDA appears to remain hesitant on various female viagra options due to lack of substantial or overwhelming findings within the drug trials. One recent drug trial for flibanserin from Sprout Pharmaceuticals with particularly underwhelming results showed only "1.7 more satisfying sexual experiences per month than women taking placebo". Never fear ladies, Sprout is exceptionally committed to helping you cream up real nice (shoutout to the most under-celebrated Breaking Bad quote of all time). An article published less than a week ago shows Sprout is re-submitting. But don't drop your panties just yet, many articles about the drug's progress have mentioned how hard it is to pinpoint exactly what factors contribute to a woman's low sex drive. Regular contributors to decreased "appetite" include these common life occurrences:
- Lack of Sleep
- Stress
- Lack of Trust in Partner
- Infertility Issues
- Or Lack of Infertility Issues (i.e., New Moms)
- Thyroid Problems
- Medication Side Affects
- Insecurity/Self-Esteem Issues
- Lack of Exercise
- Inability to Communicate (if you're not feelin' it, ya gotta say so)
Is anyone with a vagina surprised that the ongoing hold up stems from the inability to adequately understand female sexual desire? In short, female sexual motivation is not simple or consistent. Still not satisfied? (Pun SO intended) If you're up for reading a first hand account on female viagra from a fellow female across the pond (seriously, read it, I'm snorting into my keyboard) check this out.
It's a little funny that in 2014, our society is still struggling (like, man-bear grappling) with female sexuality SO hard that our biggest consensus on a woman's sex drive is "it's complicated". No apologies necessary for being a human being with complex thoughts, feelings, or emotions. But seriously, don't apologize.
Ladies, we're complicated. Said every man ever. To date, there are still no approved medications to treat female sexual arousal issues - outside of various types of wine, (or liquor), The Bachelor, Ryan Gosling, and Ghost. Maybe there never will be. You keep doin' you - get to know yourself, ask for what you need, and try not to be shy about it.
Until next week,
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