Thursday, January 23, 2014

American Horror Stories

"The best book about horror movies I have ever read." - Robert Bloch, author of PSYCHO

Well Mr. Bloch, I don't know if I would go that far, but I WILL say that it's the only book about horror movies I have ever read.

I finished reading The Monster Show by David Skal on a recent trip to Paris. Skal's book presents an intriguing and well researched look into the cultural history of the horror genre in America. From the early 1900s to the late 1990s, Skal examines everyone from Tod Browning to Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

This may strike you as an odd book choice, but for me, my fascination with horror film began with my mother recounting the terror of The Birds when I was 12. (Fun fact: 2 Halloweens ago, I channeled that same Tippi Hedren..) I have many vivid memories of Saturday nights after club soccer with Blue Bell chocolate ice cream and the latest movie suggestion. This highlight reel includes, but is certainly not limited to Wait Until DarkWhat Lies Beneath, and Psycho. Fast forward 13 years and I'm super into American Horror Story, Guillermo del Toro, and now continuing to read books like The Monster Show as I grow the depth of my understanding. Horror films, as a genre, are not simply colored corn starch, advancing special effects, and shallow attempts at shock. People turn to horror as a coping mechanism to help them personify their conflicting feelings and fear of the unknown about the world's current circumstances - or in short, the latest true American horror stories.

To wrap up (and further pique your interest), three super interesting things I learned from David Skal's The Monster Show:

1. There is a movie called Cat People
Actually, there are 2, and I had never heard of either. The particularly riveting 1942 tagline reads: "Lovely Woman… Giant Killer-Cat… The Same "Person"! It's Super Sensational", while the 1982 remake appears to more sharply focus on the obviously disastrous consequences of female sexual awakenings. Women enjoying sexual urges? Extremely dangerous stuff, you guys.

2. "Suddenly, in the sixties, the womb was the new graveyard" 
This continued into the 1980s, but perhaps nowhere near as obviously as Rosemary's Baby and The Brood. Skal cites "the sexual revolution, the Pill, thalidomide… unstable family structures... [and] the emerging abortion rights struggle" as a powerful cultural catalyst for horror's new favorite playground. This blog post is SCREAMING at me to write itself… alas, another time, my friends.

3. Carrie was also a musical.
On Broadway. In the 80's. Absolutely terrible. Where can I find this to watch!?

Bonus: After Paris, we traveled onto Madrid and, in what seemed like a strange, real life, full-circle moment, discovered this Erro painting at the Reina Sofia Museum. I spy quite a few Lon Chaney Jr's down there...

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Salut 2014!

Curiously, my last blog post was about leaving a job (well, mostly a place) that I loved. I wasn't sure where life would take me, but I felt very strongly that I needed to follow it there. It seems this past September, life took me right back to the place I left, & I couldn't be happier. The grass is not always greener my friends, but it is helpful if you find out for yourself.

Things worked out so perfectly, it never felt real.

Now, another new year is upon us. Most people use the new year as a time to reflect on the past one, & decide about a thousand things they need to start doing, stop doing, or vastly improve upon. I'm starting this year content. I love my job. I love the people that surround me. I say what I want, I do what I want. I'm happy y'all.

That being said (obviously it was going here) - I made a list of ALL the things (as you will quickly discover, in no particular order) I want in 2014. Some of these are harder to obtain than others. Some will make the 2015 list simply because they're just not going to happen (see: Own a Yacht)… but all in all, a new year is a time for new hopes & these are mine. Cheers to 2014!

Purchase a Squash Blossom Necklace
I realize this is odd, & a really odd one to start with, but what I can say? I'm really into these. Life is short, & I'm thinking this could be a staple for a (wannabe) jet-setting gypsy like myself. Probably not a $2,000 one, but maybe a nice starter, vintage, faux turquoise piece.

Go to Disney World
They finished the new Beauty & the Beast area. Sold. Also, people say that everyone should remain a child somewhere in their hearts, & I really take that seriously. So seriously that I have to buy a new pair of ears EVERY single time I make a Disney trip. Yes, maybe I was at Disneyland this past summer (& the one before…) but it truly is one of the happiest places on earth. Life should be about being happy.

Trip to Marfa, TX
It's not like it's that far, & I really need to get to Prada, Marfa before it's gone (which is hopefully never). Also, a friend from high school opened my eyes to this & I'm a very firm believer that when one has the opportunity to stay in updated retro trailers &/or 22 sq. foot teepees, one definitely should.

Go Back to New Orleans
I spent a few days here in 2013. It was an amazing city with incredible people. I have a habit of needing to return to places like this once a year, while simultaneously finding new places (like Marfa).

Read More / Start a Book Club
So I already put out feelers for this & it seems it's going to happen. We're in the middle of finalizing a reading list & then figuring out a good schedule for everyone. If you have any good book recommendations, lay 'em on me.

Have a Better Relationship with Food & Exercise
I'm a stress eater who was (not too long ago) 50 lbs heaver. Honestly, it's probably only 30 lbs at this point, but who's counting (well, me, starting last Sunday)... I tend to be very indulgent with myself & my favorite food groups include carbs, & dairy. This has culminated in the not-so-balanced diet I am currently over-enjoying. In 2014 I want to spend more time cooking & prepping food so that I make more responsible decisions, not strictly for my figure, but for the general longevity & quality of my life. I also need to REALLY really focus on working out at least 3 times a week. This seems doable. Hell, alright, 4 times. LAY OFF. Please don't misunderstand, I like food, & I will eat it. I'm not into self-depravity (or swimsuit season) but health is important.

Stop & Breathe
I have a really bad habit of saying yes to EVERYTHING & then wondering why I feel overwhelmed, overworked, & like crawling into a hole to hide from everyone. In 2014, I want to learn to say the word "no" so that I have more time to choose new endeavors.

Learn Spanish
I have Rosetta Stone. My boyfriend of 4+ years is from Ecuador. Not all of his family speaks English. It's time.

Paint More
This truly is something for myself, & while I won't be applying to any art shows anytime soon, there's something cathartic about zoning out & making a mess. Oil paints, I miss you. I hope to be elbow deep in you again soon (that sentence makes me dry heave a little, but I'll leave it).

Start Saving for a House (Maybe Get One)
See: Paint More. If I had my own place I could adopt 7 more dogs paint in my own little (well-ventilated) area, throw parties, choose paint colors, & other things that 25 year old girls women are wont to do. Like have a guest room, decorate a mantle, & ask my dad to come hang all my paintings. #adultlyf

Add some Tibi to My Wardrobe
I always want it, I probably don't ever need it, but I really want to keep focusing on 1-2 truly timeless pieces with some flair per season. Tibi seems like a great place to start. I've wanted you from afar, but now I'm comin' for ya. (Will also be strongly considering Alexander Wang, Elizabeth & James, DVF, & more…)

Buy Another Lizzie Fortunato
Be Still. My Heart. Some people like diamonds, gold, materials that really warrant a $600 price tag. But me, I'm really into tooled leather, chains, & faux gemstones.

Sing More Karaoke
Because Why Not. (Mostly because this is slightly terrifying to me in an odd way, so I should do it more & get over that).

Buy that Marc Jacobs Bag You Want
It's cute. It's neutral. It's a nice change from your giant bag. You deserve it.

Blog More
Maybe no one is listening, but what's it to me?

And Stephanie, don't you think I've forgotten the podcast. Because that is SO happening that it doesn't even need to go on this list. See you Monday.